Scene Viewpoints Manager for Unity
Scene Viewpoints Manager is an asset for Unity that enhances the workflow of game developers and designers by allowing them to save and restore scene viewpoints effortlessly. It is a scene viewpoints saver and a scene viewpoints navigator where users can save multiple viewpoints positions, rotations, and other scene-specific settings, enabling them to quickly switch between different viewpoints during development or showcase their scenes to others. Moreover, they can use it in all their unity projects.
1. Save and Restore Viewpoints: Users can save the current scene view position, rotation, and other relevant settings for every scene in the project. They can then easily restore these saved viewpoints with a single click, providing quick access to different perspectives within the scene.
2. Multiple Viewpoint Support: The asset allows users to save and manage multiple viewpoints within a scene. Users can name and search for these viewpoints for easy identification and retrieval.
3. Keyboard shortcuts: Users can use keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate between saved viewpoints in editor mode. This feature improves efficiency and productivity.
4. Thumbnail Previews: The asset generates thumbnail previews for each saved viewpoint, giving users a visual representation of the captured perspective. This makes it easier to identify and select the desired viewpoint from the list.
5. Import viewpoints: Scene Viewpoint Manager allow users to import viewpoints from other scenes within the same project.
6. Visual Feedback: All the saved viewpoints are represented in the scene view with cones and lines so that the user can easily guess there position and rotation. He can also click on a cone to activate the corresponding viewpoint.
7. User-Friendly Interface: The asset provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to save, manage, and navigate between different viewpoints.
8. Used in every project: Scene Viewpoint Manager is not project specific. It can be used in all current and future projects.
Download Scene Viewpoints Manager from Unity asset store.